Community Innovators, Volunteers and Leaders (CIVAL) – Group 3

06 May 2021

Participants of the program

The Community Innovators, Volunteers and Leaders (CIVAL) Group 3 will commence Saturday 15th May 2021.

The program includes 12 workshops and cover the following topics:

  • Local government & networking,
  • Incorporated association,
  • Co-design,
  • Community project designing,
  • Grant application opportunities and writing,
  • Association and finance management,
  • Project evaluation,
  • Event management and volunteering,
  • Conflict resolution.

Who can attend: People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds (CaLD)
When: Alternate Saturdays from 15th May – 27th November 2021
Language: English (interpreting services are available and support can be provided for those with vision and hearing impairments).
Cost: This is a free program (please note: lunch and refreshments will be provided.) Participants will be provided with a certificate of graduation on completion of the program.

To register please complete the forms below and return to Ehsan Nazamyar by email

For more information: Contact Ehsan Nazamyar, ASeTTS’ Community Development Officer
Phone: (08) 9227 2700

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