ASeTTS COVID-19 Response

03 March 2022

Featured Post, News

ASeTTS has been working hard on our COVID-19 response within our services. Our focus is to ensure clients can continue to access services in a meaningful and safe way. We are implementing a detailed plan to make this happen.

Part of the plan includes changing the way we work. Our staff will soon begin working an in-office and work-from-home rotation, and we are supporting our clients to engage with us through different methods including by telephone or virtually.

We ask that clients and any visitors who are scheduled to attend our services, contact ASeTTS on 9227 2700 to reschedule their appointment or shift to phone or virtual meeting if they:

  • are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
  • have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case and have been advised to isolate,
  • or have recently travelled.

We recognise changes impact the people we support in different ways. Our goal is to reduce the spread of COVD-19, to keep our clients, their families, the community and staff safe.

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