Young People’s Exposure to War and Conflict in Media

18 March 2024


This resource has been developed to support teachers and community leaders working with refugee children and young people who are survivors of trauma, including intergenerational trauma.

With the ongoing violence and suffering occurring in various regions of the world, adults can play an important role creating awareness and vigilance about the media that children and young people are exposed to related to these events.

Social and traditional media platforms can be a powerful tool for connecting individuals, including children and young people, to each other and their communities.

While these are beneficial aspects, it is important to acknowledge the potential risks that come with such exposure particularly to media coverage of war, conflict, and other traumatic events.

For more information, including capacity building and educators’ training on working with students from refugee backgrounds, contact the ASeTTS team if you would like to refer someone into our program on (08) 9227 2700 or visit our website.

*This resource has been developed and generously shared by our sister agency @QPASTT.

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