Healing through Creative Arts

20 August 2019


The project commended with an inauguration ceremony held in January 2018.

Since then ASeTTS implemented five, two-day school holiday activities between January 2018 and January 2019 including one excursion, an exhibition and a closing ceremony.

Initially six mediums were offered, with four chosen based on their popularity. They were art, dance, drumming and photography. Each young person has an opportunity to enjoy two of the mediums.

Qualified group facilitators and a youth support worker were assigned to each group, with four young people in their early 20’s from refugee backgrounds were chosen and trained to become youth support workers. Three of those were former clients of ASeTTS youth/community program.


  • The project was a huge success. 72 young people from refugee backgrounds received professional and social support and strong leadership development skills.
  • Young people improved their connections and attachments with each other.
  • Youth Support Workers became committed to the project and gained professional confidence.
  • Great improvements in ability to socialise were witnessed for those participants with difficult behaviours.
  • Increased confidence in all participants.
  • An overall sense of friendship and connection amongst the entire group.
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