Cook Like a Chef under ASeTTS Meaningful Engagement and Networking for Men (MEN4Men) program, is a program that aimed to support men from refugee-like backgrounds to build social connections, improve mental health and wellbeing and challenge gender stereotypes through learning cooking skills.
We were privileged to partner with celebrity chef Brendan Pang, who developed and facilitated 6 interactive cooking sessions with 13 men. Participants also meet an advanced industry lecturer (Cookery and Patisserie) from North Metro TAFE to encourage those interested to pursue future training and/or employment in the industry.
The program was very well attended and through program evaluation participants reporting a significant improvement in their wellbeing as a result of participating in the group.
I have always thought cooking is for women, though after I came home from the first session, I instantly told my wife to rest as I will cook for her and our four kids tonight and they really loved it.
I have recently arrived at Perth and for the whole week, I only left the house to come to the cooking session, it has made me happy.