Al Noor and Afghan Community Projects

Afghan Community Project

ASeTTS delivered the second year of the Afghan community project during this financial year. The project was reached to 125 participants who attended 5 health information sessions, 3 settlement information sessions, one healthy lifestyle session and two excursions which included a newcomer tour and aboriginal cultural tour organized by the City of Stirling. The highlight of the project was the Bike curious sub project which supported young girls from Afghan background.

Riding a bike gave me a sense of freedom I never knew I could have. It feels like I’m flying.

In my country, I was not allowed to ride a bike. Here, I feel like I’m breaking all the chains that used to hold me back.

Learning to ride a bike made me realize I could do many things I never thought I could.

Ellenbrook Al Noor Project

ASeTTS completed its two-year project with the Al-Noor community in Ellenbrook in June 2024. During the reporting period, ASeTTS delivered six sessions in collaboration with Al-Noor Community Association which supported 115 participants. These sessions included two settlement information sessions, two health information sessions, one legal education session and a psychoeducation session.

During this period, members of this community group also joined other ASeTTS services such as counselling service and CIVAL community leadership project.

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