The Eritrean Community Project, in collaboration with the Eritrean Community of WA, aimed to connect community members with service providers, and improve community unity, belonging, confidence, mental wellbeing and physical health. 33 sessions were delivered to 166 participants between September 2022 and July 2024.
The high engagement numbers across ASeTTS services highlight the project’s relevance and resonance with community needs. Furthermore, Eritrean community members showed strong engagement with ASeTTS counselling services and CIVAL. End of project evaluation findings highlighted that this project assisted with women’s empowerment, youth empowerment, cultural restoration and community unity.
It’s the first time in the community that we’ve had so many programs for women. They forget to look after themselves because they’re looking after everyone else in their family and community. It’s [programs for women] had a massive impact
It was great timing [when ASeTTS programs begun] …There weren’t many youth engaging in the community and elders’ voices dominated.
It was my first time not breaking fast alone…it felt like family when we broke fast. I felt connected.
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